~~NOTOC~~ ====== IoT Finca, Meeting Notes ===== ===== 2022-12-20 - MS Teams on IoT Finca Project ===== Jörn, Marko, Reka, Alejandro, Alexander, Fatima, Jan, Jesus, Lars, Rainer, Rolf, Karsten * Rainer's inspiration: https://www.organicgarden.de/ * Karsten: https://www.opensourceecology.org/ ==== Sensors ===== * RD-NPK-01-RS485 standard modbus 3 in 1 LORA LORAWAN wireless Soil NPK sensor for soil fertilizer and soil nutrition test ==== Makeathon 2020 ==== * ITQ Smart Green Island Makeathon: https://www.itq.de/en/smart-green-island-makeathon/ * Team Overview 2020: https://www.itq.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/SMART_GREEN_ISLAND_MAKEATHON_Team_Overview_2020.pdf ==== Makeathon 2023 ==== * https://www.infecar.es/ * ==== Ideas ==== * A-I.Land: Active Illumination Camera for Plant Detection * ===== 2022-07-13 ===== **Next meeting: 2022-07-20, 16:00 CEST, 17:00 WEST** :!: New team members: **Laura and Agustin** are working students at ITQ GC and continue the IoT Finca project. **Next steps:** - For fundamental first steps in the Arduino universe (LED blink, Button Read, Read ADC, Serial Print) **get basic Arduino boards** such as the Arduino UNO. Most of the Arduino tutorials are tailored to the Arduino hardware. - If you cannot get a simple Arduino or you do not want to, you can use the **Heltec CubeCell** boards which are programmable in the Arduino IDE, too. Everything you can do with Arduino you can do with Heltec and even more. The Arduino tutorials can be transferred to CubeCell, too, but this requires some knowledge and may be confusing in the beginning. - Get basic **electronic parts** such as breadboard, LEDs, 220 Ohms resistors (or larger, to protect the LEDs), potentiometer, push buttons, etc., **asap**. - Install the Arduino IDE. - Install the CubeCell tool chain on your computer. You can download it from **[[https://heltec-automation-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cubecell/quick_start.html|here]]**. You will need it later for the LoRa connection, anyway. - Learn Arduino! See the list of my favorite tutorials below. ==== CubeCell Arduino Toolchain ==== Install the CubeCell Arduino Toolchain from here: \\ https://heltec-automation-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cubecell/quick_start.html ===== Arduino Tutorials ===== - :!: [[https://playground.arduino.cc/uploads/Main/arduino_notebook_v1-1/index.pdf|Arduino Programming Notebook]] by Brian W. Evans. I especially like the appendix showing the interplay of hard- and software! - [[https://docs.arduino.cc/built-in-examples/|Build-in Examples]] of the Arduino IDE: Learning by coding. - [[https://docs.arduino.cc/learn/starting-guide/getting-started-arduino|Getting Started with Arduino]] by Arduino - [[https://teawiki.net/doku.php?id=supp:arduino:start#adafruit_tutorials_by_simon_monklearn_arduino|Adafruit Tutorial on Arduino by Simon Monk]] (my own list with recommendations). - [[https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/what-is-an-arduino|Sparkfun Tutorial: What is an Arduino?]] ===== 2022-03-28 ===== * Students: TinkerCAD to learn basic Arduino, ongoing activity * Students: TTN account + background knowledge, LoRaWAN Server Stack, end of week * Students: MQTT howto? Publisher-Subscriber SW pattern, next week * HSRW: Send material to GC, by end of the week